About us

To help our clients improve their performance by providing high-quality training, facilitation, and consulting services at the leading edge of validated management practices
To be recognized as leading experts in helping organizations improve their performance
Customer-focused - We focus on determining and understanding, and then meeting or exceeding the unique requirements and expectations of our clients
Exceptional value - We ensure that our services add value for our clients
Trust - We recognize the value of earning and keeping the trust of our clients through our integrity, ethics, and respect for confidentiality
Community service - We volunteer our support to the Performance Excellence Community of Practice, and expect our individual members to volunteer in their local communities as well
Unpretentious knowledge sharing - We use adult learning approaches, presented at the appropriate level for clients - from CEOs to front-line workers - and present ourselves as knowledge sharers, not as all-knowing teachers
Who We Are
Professional consultants and trainers, all of whom are active Senior or Alumni Members of the Board of Examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program; have consulted trained Baldrige Award Recipients during their award competition and preparation processes; and have led State-level Quality Award-winning efforts or programs.
Our Business
Using the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award’s Criteria for Performance Excellence as a strategic framework, Quiet Excellence helps its clients improve organizational systems for leading, communicating, planning, managing customer relationships, measuring performance, managing knowledge, engaging and developing their workforce, disaster preparedness, and managing and improving work processes. Their expertise includes business, health care, education, and non-profit / government organizations.